How are natural feathers shipped ?

Comment sont envoyées les plumes naturelles ?

Are you looking to order natural bird feathers from our online store and wondering about feather transportation? Are you particularly concerned about how well the feathers will hold up during shipping?

That’s understandable! We’ll explain in detail how our feathers are shipped to your home and why they’re safe during transit.

Preparing your feather order

The first step is placing your order. Once payment is completed, your order is received in our system.

Every morning, Virginie prepares the orders from the previous day and the same morning to ensure the best possible service for you. After carefully selecting and sorting the feathers, she places them in a recycled kraft paper pouch, staples your invoice (printed on recycled paper), and adds a natural touch (a little aromatic surprise 🪻).

Package or protected letter

Your order is now ready in its kraft paper. The next step is to choose the packaging for shipping. We use two options for feather shipments:

  • The protected envelope
  • The package

The choice is naturally made depending on the size of the feathers you order!

For orders with feathers under 40cm (15.7 inches), we can ship them in envelopes.

Here are the benefits:

  • Extra protection for the feathers (ironically, compared to a package!)
  • Reduced shipping cost (or even free, depending on your order amount)
  • Reduced carbon footprint (as it’s lighter than a package)
  • Easier delivery to your mailbox

Once the feathers exceed 40cm, we must use a package for shipping. This is usually the case for large peacock feathers.

Shipped by the carrier

In both cases, we work with postal services, even for international shipments.

We add the "FRAGILE" label to remind the postal worker or delivery person that the package contains delicate items. In reality, feathers are flexible and can handle being slightly bent without losing their quality.

You’ll receive your order within 2-5 days, and we remain available if needed!

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